Friday, August 21, 2009

The Victorian Age 1840-1900

The Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from June 1837 to January 1901, the longest reign in British history.

It was characterized as a long period of peace, known as the Pax Britannica.

Gothic Revival architecture became increasingly significant in the period, leading to the Battle of the Styles between Gothic and Classical ideals.

Gambling at cards in establishments popularly called casinos was wildly popular during the period: so much so that evangelical and reform movements specifically targeted such establishments in their efforts to stop gambling, drinking, and prostitution.

Photography was realized in 1829 by Louis Daguerre in France and William Fox Talbot in the UK. By 1900, hand-held cameras were available.

Although initially developed in the early years of the 19th century, gas lighting became widespread during the Victorian era in industry, homes, public buildings and the streets.

The Victorian Era was a time of strong moral and religious beliefs.

This was a time period when people appreciated sentimentality, nostalgia and idealized beauty, all displayed with ornate complexity.

Women's fashion displays this love for the ornate.

The Eiffel tower is an example of the ornate in architecture.

Transportation design was also very decorative in its approach.

Even telephones were designed to fit the times.


This age is defined by elaborate font, symmetrical layout, decorative borders, and framed images, and usually fills the entire page with type (appearing often in a cloth banner, or hand-drawn on a curve) and pictures.

Major Events during this time period:
Restoration of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Britain.
The Great Exhibition (the first World's Fair) was held at the Crystal Palace, with great success and international attention.
The Victorian Gold Rush. In ten years the Australian population nearly tripled.
Crimean War: The United Kingdom declared war on Russia.

Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species, which led to various reactions.
Death of Prince Albert; Queen Victoria refused to go out in public for many years, and when she did she wore a widow's bonnet instead of the crown.
The Constitution Act, 1867 passes and British North America becomes Dominion of Canada.

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